A Screening Tool to Prevent Jumper’s Knee (Patellar Tendinopathy) Incidence

Patellar tendinopathy is the degeneration of the patellar tendon due to inappropriate loading and tendon recovery. It causes severe consequences in various sports and professions, lasting for >6 months in 1/3 of cases and causing 1/2 to discontinue sport participation. A cheap standard screening tool should be used to isolate at risk individuals to prevent the incidence of patellar tendinopathy.

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Education, Fitness, Recovery, WTDW Wes Scott Education, Fitness, Recovery, WTDW Wes Scott

What’s The Deal Wednesday: Massage Gun

A novel approach to improving training adaptations, reducing overall pain and improving general performance is through the use of Percussive Therapy, applying a massage gun for percussive vibration on musculature for potential performance improvement. The following blog will review our current understanding of an effective protocol, application, and effects on overall performance.

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