A Screening Tool to Prevent Jumper’s Knee (Patellar Tendinopathy) Incidence

Patellar tendinopathy is the degeneration of the patellar tendon due to inappropriate loading and tendon recovery. It causes severe consequences in various sports and professions, lasting for >6 months in 1/3 of cases and causing 1/2 to discontinue sport participation. A cheap standard screening tool should be used to isolate at risk individuals to prevent the incidence of patellar tendinopathy.

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Balance, ESS, Prevention, Sports Medicine Wes Scott Balance, ESS, Prevention, Sports Medicine Wes Scott

Preventing Ankle Injuries With Balance Training

One of the most common injuries in soccer, rugby, basketball, volleyball, handball and within emergency professionals is ankle injuries. Ankle injuries can plague individuals with high healthcare costs, numerous missed opportunities, and future discomfort, recurring injury and reduced activity levels. The implementation of balance training can significantly reduce ankle injury risk by 41% for 1,000 exposure hours. This article will discuss all necessary information to optimally prevent ankle injuries with balance training.

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Ergonomics, Exercise, Neck Pain, Prevention Wes Scott Ergonomics, Exercise, Neck Pain, Prevention Wes Scott

What’s Forward Head Posture?

What’s forward head posture or text neck? Is the postural change a complication of our living standards in the technological era? Let’s dive into one of the most common postural deviations and the causal effects of muscular imbalance on the role of various muscular conditions and pain. We'll discuss one of the most effective solutions to ensure you're able to restore normal function.

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Ergonomics Wes Scott Ergonomics Wes Scott

How Effective Is Office Ergonomic Training?

What is Ergonomics and how effective is the solution for desk workers? In this article you discover what Ergonomics is and the general effectiveness of ergonomics on office workers including the improvements in productivity with the reduction number of work related muscular injuries, absenteeism, presenteeism and much more!

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Education, Fitness, Recovery, WTDW Wes Scott Education, Fitness, Recovery, WTDW Wes Scott

What’s The Deal Wednesday: Massage Gun

A novel approach to improving training adaptations, reducing overall pain and improving general performance is through the use of Percussive Therapy, applying a massage gun for percussive vibration on musculature for potential performance improvement. The following blog will review our current understanding of an effective protocol, application, and effects on overall performance.

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Weight Management Wes Scott Weight Management Wes Scott

Psychological Adaptation For Successful Weight Management

Beyond all the standards related to the physical activity and dietary approach, a well-rounded understanding of a few psychological changes in mindset can better prepare and assist with your weight management journey. The following techniques can improve or reinforce your current mindset, but before you attempt another journey understand these few tricks and use them as a resource to achieve your goals.

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Prevention, Yoga Chelsea Hinkson Prevention, Yoga Chelsea Hinkson

Why Yoga Props Are Amazing

Getting to know your body is the best thing you can do for your practice. Using props can really help elevate your practice and cause less injury. I would highly recommend using props to adapt the pose to fit your body instead of trying to fit your body to the pose to avoid pain, and potential injury.

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Weight Management Wes Scott Weight Management Wes Scott

The 3 Most Important Weight Management Tools

Creating accountability and adherence to a program can be extremely challenging. Nearly 95% of all diets fail within the first 3 years! Fad and crash diets are simply unsustainable as they tend to avoid common reasons for failure: Willpower, hunger cravings, diet fatigue, diet pressure and food addiction. Begin to simplify the process with these 3 key weight management tools.

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Geriatric, Prevention Wes Scott Geriatric, Prevention Wes Scott

The Impact of Exercise In Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease has no cure, however physical activity and exercise has a protective effect against developing the condition and slows the rate of progression once diagnosed. Active individual’s in their 70’s and 80’s have approximately 40% reduced risk of developing Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia. Discover how exercise can significantly improve cognition, physical function, etc.

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Prevention Wes Scott Prevention Wes Scott

Decompress & Lower Stress Using This Breathing Technique

One major influence on successful workplace health promotion, via development and facilitation of positive health outcomes, utilizing deep breathing techniques. Deep breathing techniques, including the box breathing technique (Navy Seal Breathing Technique) and deep diaphragmatic breathing, can help lower blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, cortisol levels and improve focus, mood and overall stress management.

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Low Back Pain Wes Scott Low Back Pain Wes Scott

Is Osteitis Condensans Ilii The Cause Of Your Low Back Pain?

Is your low back pain associated with an uncommon sacroiliac joint dysfunction known as Osteitis Condensans Ilii? Are you a prenatal or postpartum lady with bilateral symmetric non-localized low back pain? If you are, take a moment to learn more about this condition so you can better help yourself and others experiencing low back and sacroiliac pain. Learn together and restore function.

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Geriatric Wes Scott Geriatric Wes Scott

3 Movements To Improve Leg Strength

Are you an elderly individual trying to improve muscle loss, but don't know where to start? Use these three daily movements and five progressive techniques to jumpstart your health and improve your leg strength, balance, and conditioning. Best exercises for seniors.

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